Day T-1: A different kind of a Rat Race

What a Day!!! Collected the car from the Port and found we had a stowaway rat that ate up bunch of the wiring while it was in transit from LA to Singapore over the last two months!!! Fixed what we could and keeping our fingers crossed that it was just the rear and front light wiring that it ate through #ratbastard

2015_ 1_30_23_12 2015_ 1_30_23_14 2015_ 1_30_23_16 2015_ 1_30_23_17 2015_ 1_30_23_19 2015_ 1_30_23_20 2015_ 1_30_23_23 2015_ 1_30_23_24 2015_ 1_30_23_121 2015_ 1_30_23_141 2015_ 1_30_23_171 2015_ 1_30_23_191 2015_ 1_30_23_231 2015_ 1_30_23_232 2015_ 1_31_ 4_39 2015_ 1_31_ 4_40 2015_ 1_31_ 4_41 2015_ 1_31_ 4_401 2015_ 1_31_ 4_411 Car front-after Car front Her's who my Rat thinks he is My Rat's future My Terminator Rat With Skid plate


Day T-2: landed in Singapore, waiting to collect car

Landed in Singapore and trying out local delicacies to ‘tune’ image image image imageour bodies before the race starts on Sunday! Oh the tough things one has to do preparing for these ‘endurance’ races.

Off we go… with an extra shock absorber

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Petter Solberg, the Michael Schumaker of Rally Racing, 

showing how stage rally racing is REALLY done during Rally New Zealand.  Watch the way his co-driver uses pace notes “to paint the road” in Petter’s mind. Flawless. 


Courses, cakes and compliance.. a picture diary

Avi and I have started getting ready for the race through a series of three Cs: last minute refresher Course (from Austin’s own rally champions at Rally Ready School), Cakes (from celebration at work and at home) and getting Compliant for both the TSA and the ERA (The Endurance Rally Association).


Rally notes-2 Rally notes Rally readyRally ready2Cake1  Cake2

Building the Rally Car – pictures from the early days

Datsun Watsun ships out to LA on way to Singapore

Pictures showing our car being loaded on to a trailer early in the evening on its way to LA and then Singapore.. very impressed with the quality of care and attention to detail by the movers.. CARS UK our shipping agent looks good at the start.. 🙂

2014_12_ 1_19_34(10) 2014_12_ 1_19_34(11) 2014_12_ 1_19_34(15) 2014_12_ 1_19_35(2) 2014_12_ 1_19_35(3) 2014_12_ 1_19_35(7)



Car arrives in Singapore after a two month voyage from Austin, Texas

Jan 25, 2015..
Received an email from our friends at CARS UK that the Datsun made it safe and sound to Singapore..
“With regards to the Road to Mandalay event, just to confirm your car has arrived safely and I unloaded it yesterday at our warehouse in Singapore”
 72 hours before Avi and I ship out to Singapore.. can’t wait..