Day 4 Race Report: The monsoon floods wash away our racetrack and the ferry slipway (440km)

Cameron Highlands to Kota Bharu. 440 kms

A rather bland day racing wise.. The recent devastating monsoon floods in Malaysia swept away our racetrack, the ferry slipways that we were to ship our cars across, and parts of the countryside. Made for an insipid day for racing but allowed time to take in the stunning scenery as we made it to Kota Bharu in 7 hours.   The first picture of the notice from the organizer says it all..

After a very misty start we had to skip the short hill climb test through the tea plantations of the Camerons due to the said floods. Was the right call by the organizers as the 3.5km track had steep drop and parts of the hillside were washed away. We then began the descent to the Kelantan River valley for morning coffee plus a couple of interesting new additions as we made it to Kota Bharu.

Checked into the Grand River view hotel.. they win the award for “truth in advertising” for the river was the size of a frickin Asian Amazon.. about a kilometer wide at least (check out the view from my room).

Avi and I had time to take in some local delicacies and reveled in the particularly tasty Roti Canai.. sublime stuff! Finally we stopped over in a local mall where they did not have any clothes that fit a 6’ 3” Indian built like a line backer..


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